Do you know why we need you? To offer the best care to people here, close to home.

Do you know why we need you?
To offer the best care to people here, close to home.
People like Caroline and Samuel. Already parents of a little girl, they learn in February 2022 that the family is growing faster than expected! After the astonishment and excitement, a shadow hangs after the ultrasound. It is a “mono mono” twin pregnancy, rare and at high risk. There is no membrane separating the two babies who live in the same amniotic sac and are connected to the same placenta. The possibility of cords getting tangled and causing complications is pervasive. Caroline goes to the hospital daily from the 24th week for a close follow-up and is hospitalized a month later so that, every day by monitor and every week by ultrasound, the health and position of the twins can be properly evaluated. To minimize the risks, a cesarean section is planned and the babies are born at 32 weeks of pregnancy.
“We cried so much when this day finally arrived! A lot of stress had just fallen, but it was not over. The girls were so small, they weighed 3.8 pounds and we stayed in the NICU for a month. At all stages, we were well prepared and well supported, but above all, we were very lucky to have had access to all this care close to home. In these moments, it's good for your morale to have your family close! ”
- Caroline Couture
At every stage of your life, we take care of your health. Your donation to the CHUS Foundation allows us to have greater flexibility to invest where it counts. Whether it is to buy more efficient equipment, to make care more accessible and more humane, for small or larger projects, you can help us make a difference!
We all need care at one time or another.
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