Souper homards

Back for a 25th edition!

The funds raised will go to the pediatric department at Hôpital Fleurimont.

Mois des bébés plantes

To help premature babies grow up healthy!

Grand tirage de la santé | Groupe Beaucage

2025 edition

Our popular draw is finally back!

Annual campaign

Together, let's continue to support the health of people here.

For 50 years, the CHUS has been striving for excellence in care and medical research. Its health care staff strives to the transformation of lives here in Estrie. Thanks to your donations, the care offered at Hôpital Fleurimont and the Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke is in constant evolution and allows, every day, small and big miracles.

50 years for the CHUS

Since 1974, the CHUS has been watching over us. From Lac-Mégantic to Dunham, and Coaticook to Danville, people across the entire Eastern Townships area have been able to rely on renowned healthcare teams at this major university hospital centre for the past 50 years here in Sherbrooke.

Today, more than 500,000 people in the Eastern Townships have access to quality care, both specialized and sur specialized, close to home.

Thank you for supporting the CHUS!

The image features four healthcare professionals at the CHUS, standing side by side and smiling at the camera.

Projects to be funded:

The CHUS Foundation has a list of projects to be funded that align with the strategic directions of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie - CHUS. There are all kinds of projects, which are equally relevant to thousands of people’s health.

Technological Advances


High-tech integrated operating room

There are thousands of people waiting for surgery in Estrie. Many of these patients experience anxiety, insecurity, and suffering.



Research on men's health

Health issues related to the male sexual sphere have long been taboo subjects and, even today, many men are slow to consult.

Humanizing Care


Fonds Urgence gériatrique

The geriatric emergency is an approach where the needs and comfort of the elderly person are at the center of the concerns of the staff.



Fonds Cœur en Tête

Every year, 2,500 Canadians are diagnosed with brain cancer, one of the most virulent cancers there is. The Fonds Cœur en Tête supports brain cancer research conducted by the neurosurgeon and neuro-oncologist Dr. David Fortin.

Our Latest News.



The Tirage-Voyage lottery makes it possible to finance small equipment at the Fleurimont Hospital and the Hôtel-Dieu in Sherbrooke. Ticket holders have the chance to win numerous cash prizes, travel credits, and as an added bonus, a scratch box is on each ticket with instant cash prizes to be won.

Other News

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Community initiatives

February 26, 2025
Sow hope, one baby plant at a time!

Businesswoman and horticulturist, Mélanie Grégoire is preparing the 5th year of Mois des bébés plantes with a great sigh of relief.


February 3, 2025
February is Heart Month

The year 2025 is an important one for Jonathan. He is completing his university studies in mechanical engineering and will be ready to pursue his passion in the workforce. But just as important to him, he survived a cardiac arrest 10 years ago.


12 octobre 2024
Des soins plus humains grâce à l’implication des proches

L’année 2024 marque le 20e anniversaire de la création du Fonds Brigitte-Perreault qui honore la mémoire d’une jeune gastroentérologue du CHUS décédée d’un cancer gastrique le 12 décembre 2004, à l’âge de 30 ans.


December 10, 2024
50 ans de soins - 50 ans d'histoires | Alexia

Alexia's life was saved thanks to rapid access to high-quality care at the CHUS. At the age of 5, she had a severe cerebral hemorrhage.


November 11, 2024
More than financial support, a real opportunity for Élie Fiogbé

This year, the Centre de recherche du CHUS's postdoctoral fellowship, supported by Desjardins, was awarded to Élie Fiogbé, who will be able to continue his work on myotonic dystrophy type 1.


November 5, 2024
50 years of care – 50 years of stories | François

Since his diagnosis with prostate cancer, François has realized just how common it is and how many men around him are affected by it.

Community initiatives

November 4, 2024
Involved from father to daughter!

He's a specialist in nuclear medicine, she's a social worker. Both work at CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS and share... the same sense of humour!


October 16, 2024
The renewed success of an extraordinary lottery

The 2024 edition of Tirage-Voyage, a presentation by the Financière des professionnels, was once again a great success with net benefits of $157,838, funds that will be used to carry out small projects throughout hospitals in Estrie.


October 9, 2024
20 years for the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault: an invaluable contribution to the CHUS

For 20 years now, the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault has been helping to improve the quality, safety and humanization of care offered in hospitals in Sherbrooke.

Thank you for giving to health!